Thursday 13 July 2017

Love Island 2017

So, who are you rooting for on Love Island this year? This is the first season I have watched and I am hooked!

I'm banking on Marcel and Gabby. I don't think there's two people more compatible. Although Gabby's confidence and self-esteem has taken a blow recently, and the events in Casa Amor didn't help at all, she's still a brilliant girl and her and Marcel are very well suited. He is such a lovely bloke and a true gentleman.

Now, let's discuss Amber and Kem. At first I didn't like Amber, and tbh I still don't. She came across as a f**kgirl, and I think she pretends to be innocent and sweet. She likes to stir the pot a bit. To me she is a snake, and I would not want her as a friend. But I do feel like Kem makes her a better person, although at first they did like to play games with each other, winding each other up, and messing with each others heads. But I think since they both recoupled in the Villa split, they realised just what they mean to each other and have come on miles.

Chris and Olivia. OMG these two make me want to scream! I hate Olivia. Actually hate her. At first I thought she was brilliant. Fiery, beautiful, confident. She was basically everything I wanted to be. But then it was clear she was quite a thirsty girl. She loved getting attention from anyone and everyone, and she cant really help but entertain any romantic interest she receives from anyone which I find is so disrespectful to Chris. Not to mention he cant so much as breathe without her getting pissed off. Like when Tyla was really upset about Jonny leaving, and Chris went over to talk to her. Why was Olivia so pissed off? Is it a bad thing that's he's a nice, caring guy who looks out for the people in his life? He deserves so much better!

Montana and Alex. Now I was a bit sceptical about this couple at first. More so about whether Alex was playing just to keep himself in the game. Although now they do seem like a lovely couple, when Alex asked Mon to be his girlfriend I thought it was far too soon. I think they are one to keep our eyes on.

Camilla and Jamie. YES!! Now, this girl annoyed the hell out of me. Like, why you so prude? Why do you cry all the time? Let go a bit. Stop being a dick tease! But now I love her! Its become clear that she has reason to be really reserved, and I love that Jamie has just brought her out of her shell. She really deserves a win here, and her and Jamie get on like a house on fire.

Georgia, not so sure about her. Thought it was a dickass move for her to couple up with Kem, but granted, she had to pick someone. Tyla, reminds me slightly of Charlotte Crosby. But I find her quite sneaky. Sam is back, and I just think he is so thirsty! He pushes himself too hard, and needs to stop trying to force things to happen. Muggy Mike! Didn't like him before, don't like him now. He thinks too much of himself, and is far too cocky for my liking.

I guess we'll just have to see how things pan out. Will Chris and Olivia make things work? Can Camilla and Jamie become a sure a thing? We can only hope!

*Edit* So I completely forgot about Theo. What a dick! I cannot stand the bloke! I think he's the biggest knob going! I'll leave it there.

Cami xoxo

Thursday 6 July 2017


Hi Everyone!

So it's been a while since I've been online, (since last July), and I'm back!
A lot has happened since my last post. Life has been a rollercoaster. When I last posted I was pregnant with my second child, and since then I have given birth to my beautiful Son Phoenix Luke Lupin. I have also welcomed a gorgeous Goddaughter into my life called Isla-Grace, and I am no less obsessed with Harry Potter than I was before. In fact, I have added more collectibles to my shrine!

Anyways, I have created a video collage with some images of my life from the past 12 months, just click on the link "memories" below. Enjoy and I'll be back soon.

Cami xoxo


Sunday 31 July 2016

Harry Potter Book Launch

As you know I went to the launch of the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child script book last night, and it was an amazing evening! We had quizzes, cakes, and there were so many fans dressed in amazing costumes.
I just wanted to share some pictures of my night. Enjoy.

Cami xox


Saturday 30 July 2016

HarryPotter and the Cursed Child Book Launch

TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!! I have been waiting for this since I pre-ordered in February. Tonight, at bookstores all across the country, the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child script book is being released. I am wearing a few of my Harry Potter clothing items, Hermione's Time-Turner necklace, my Snitch bracelet, my Gryffindor scarf and my sons Harry Potter costume glasses! I've painted a few things on my face; the golden snitch, the deathly hallows symbol, and of course, Harry Potters scar. I've also painted my nails the colours of Gryffindor... red and gold!

I am literally so ecstatic and can barely contain my excitement. The store opens in just over 4 hours and I will be getting there early so I can get first dibs on the Harry Potter items they will also be selling!

Next thing after this is waiting for tickets to the actual play, which will be released on August 4th. This is the year for Potterheads all over!

Now please excuse me, I have just had a lightbulb moment and am also going to go paint my lips red and gold...

Enjoy your night everyone!

Cami xox

Friday 29 July 2016

The Panty Challenge

So, I'm sure many of you heard of the #pantychallenge that appeared on social media last month. Personally, I was very disturbed by it. It all started with a woman from Atlanta, Georgia posting a photo of her squeaky clean underwear, claiming that other women were "jealous of my clean knickers". Now, let me just reassure you all that labelling vaginal discharge as "gross", "unhealthy" or "disgusting" is nothing but highly misleading. It is body-shaming at a whole new level. The fact that other women joined in on the wanna-be trend by 'boasting' about their so called 'clean vaginas' makes me rather disappointed and ashamed. Why do some of us women feel the need to put down others? Why do we feel the need to shame someone because they are different? What example are we setting for the young women who will follow us into adulthood?

But besides the body-shaming aspect, what concerns me is the misleading information being handed out about the female genitalia. The #pantychallenge gives the impression that vaginal discharge is something to be embarrassed about. It is suggesting that it is unhealthy, and that if you happen to experience it, then you are unclean. This couldn't be further from the truth! Vaginal discharge typically begins when a female reaches puberty. It is the vaginas way of cleaning itself, protecting against bacteria and infections such as thrush. It is perfectly natural and is in no way anything to be ashamed of. Every woman's body is different, and therefore every woman's discharge is different. The only time you should be worried is if it is discoloured, an extremely different texture to usual, and/or has a strong smell.

I'd like to include an article written on Pink Parcel's blog on the matter, and have included some images below of some tweets by people who have stood up against the #pantychallenge. I would like to encourage you all to be proud of your body. Never let anyone shame you into thinking that you are not normal! You are beautiful, and we women must stand strong against body-shamers and all those who look to tear us down!

For more information on vaginal discharge, please visit

Cami xox

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Make Up Tutorial

Hi Everyone! So today I'm going to post a new make-up tutorial, but not my own. This is one I found on YouTube by Kathleen Lights. I loved the look and decided to give it a go. I don't pull it off as well as she does though. But I'm still very happy with the result. It includes the cats-eye eyeliner look which I don't usually go for. Anyway, check out Kathleen's video using the link below.

Cami xox

Monday 25 July 2016

New Nail Polish

So I recently bought two new nail polishes from Barry M, exclusive to Boots, and I love them! I have sometimes found that other Barry M polishes are too thick but these ones are perfect. So I wanted to introduce you all to them so you can enjoy them yourself.

Cami xox