Sunday 31 July 2016

Harry Potter Book Launch

As you know I went to the launch of the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child script book last night, and it was an amazing evening! We had quizzes, cakes, and there were so many fans dressed in amazing costumes.
I just wanted to share some pictures of my night. Enjoy.

Cami xox


Saturday 30 July 2016

HarryPotter and the Cursed Child Book Launch

TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!! I have been waiting for this since I pre-ordered in February. Tonight, at bookstores all across the country, the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child script book is being released. I am wearing a few of my Harry Potter clothing items, Hermione's Time-Turner necklace, my Snitch bracelet, my Gryffindor scarf and my sons Harry Potter costume glasses! I've painted a few things on my face; the golden snitch, the deathly hallows symbol, and of course, Harry Potters scar. I've also painted my nails the colours of Gryffindor... red and gold!

I am literally so ecstatic and can barely contain my excitement. The store opens in just over 4 hours and I will be getting there early so I can get first dibs on the Harry Potter items they will also be selling!

Next thing after this is waiting for tickets to the actual play, which will be released on August 4th. This is the year for Potterheads all over!

Now please excuse me, I have just had a lightbulb moment and am also going to go paint my lips red and gold...

Enjoy your night everyone!

Cami xox

Friday 29 July 2016

The Panty Challenge

So, I'm sure many of you heard of the #pantychallenge that appeared on social media last month. Personally, I was very disturbed by it. It all started with a woman from Atlanta, Georgia posting a photo of her squeaky clean underwear, claiming that other women were "jealous of my clean knickers". Now, let me just reassure you all that labelling vaginal discharge as "gross", "unhealthy" or "disgusting" is nothing but highly misleading. It is body-shaming at a whole new level. The fact that other women joined in on the wanna-be trend by 'boasting' about their so called 'clean vaginas' makes me rather disappointed and ashamed. Why do some of us women feel the need to put down others? Why do we feel the need to shame someone because they are different? What example are we setting for the young women who will follow us into adulthood?

But besides the body-shaming aspect, what concerns me is the misleading information being handed out about the female genitalia. The #pantychallenge gives the impression that vaginal discharge is something to be embarrassed about. It is suggesting that it is unhealthy, and that if you happen to experience it, then you are unclean. This couldn't be further from the truth! Vaginal discharge typically begins when a female reaches puberty. It is the vaginas way of cleaning itself, protecting against bacteria and infections such as thrush. It is perfectly natural and is in no way anything to be ashamed of. Every woman's body is different, and therefore every woman's discharge is different. The only time you should be worried is if it is discoloured, an extremely different texture to usual, and/or has a strong smell.

I'd like to include an article written on Pink Parcel's blog on the matter, and have included some images below of some tweets by people who have stood up against the #pantychallenge. I would like to encourage you all to be proud of your body. Never let anyone shame you into thinking that you are not normal! You are beautiful, and we women must stand strong against body-shamers and all those who look to tear us down!

For more information on vaginal discharge, please visit

Cami xox

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Make Up Tutorial

Hi Everyone! So today I'm going to post a new make-up tutorial, but not my own. This is one I found on YouTube by Kathleen Lights. I loved the look and decided to give it a go. I don't pull it off as well as she does though. But I'm still very happy with the result. It includes the cats-eye eyeliner look which I don't usually go for. Anyway, check out Kathleen's video using the link below.

Cami xox

Monday 25 July 2016

New Nail Polish

So I recently bought two new nail polishes from Barry M, exclusive to Boots, and I love them! I have sometimes found that other Barry M polishes are too thick but these ones are perfect. So I wanted to introduce you all to them so you can enjoy them yourself.

Cami xox

Sunday 24 July 2016

New Addition to the Family

So today was very exciting. We have a new addition to the family, something my Son has wanted for a rather long time. We now have a gorgeous little kitten, and we have named him Harry (obviously). It took him a while to get settled into his new home, he spent about an hour in the kitchen crying out. But then he has spent the rest of the afternoon snuggled up with me and my Son, purring away, and has also taken a fancy to my lovely Greek rug! We are so happy to have him as part of our family. Say hello to Harry...

Cami xox

Thursday 21 July 2016

Revolution Cosmetics

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days, but with this beautiful weather I've really been taking advantage and it's been tiring me out by late afternoon. Anyway I wanted to talk about this brand I recently discovered a couple of months ago called Revolution. I've been using several of their products and I couldn't be any happier with them. They're such good quality, the eyeshadows are really pigmented and last all day and blend beautifully. So many gorgeous colours to choose from to create a different look everyday, and at their heart stopping-ly low prices, I have difficulty staying away from their website or raiding my closest Superdrug!

Here is a quick word from their website...

"Makeup Revolution launched in London in March 2014 delivering revolutionary performance and quality, in every product at revolutionary prices. Made with the finest ingredients, the range starts at an amazing £1.00, with a range of professional and must have products with limited edition collections – you can finally afford them all!"

We Are SHADE. For everyone skin tone, and all of the shades!
We Are INCLUSIVE. Anyone and Everyone can join the REVOLUTION.

I would also like to share with you my favourite Revolution products.

Cami xox

Monday 18 July 2016

Pink Parcel

Have any of you heard of Pink Parcel? I joined up and received my first parcel earlier this month, and I loved it! Basically ladies, for 5-7 days every month, we feel pain, have bad mood swings and generally feel unwell, and Pink Parcel is there every month to lighten your mood. It's full of all sorts of goodies to lift your spirits.

And a couple of reviews:


"Perfect for those who really get it bad around that time, or just to make Mother Nature's visit a little more palatable."

Which Beauty Box UK

"It’s a monthly gift that you’ll definitely want to keep and the best bit it's affordable and great value for money too."

Sign up Today to get this every month

  • Tea: Because a cup of tea solves everything!
  • tampons: Brands you know - plus something new
  • pads: All of your favourite brands
  • something sweet: To help hit that PMS craving spot
  • Beauty products: For that all important pamper time

All this for £9.99 a month! It is one of my favourite finds. Take a look ladies. They also have an online shop with beauty products available to buy separately. From now on I'll be enjoying my time of the month.

Cami xox

Sunday 17 July 2016

Fresh Faced

I've made it clear that I absolutely love make-up. It makes me feel all brand new, I can be whoever I want to be. But there's truly no better feeling than waking up in a good mood and being happy with who you see in the mirror. It's not often that I have days like that, so I really appreciate them when they come along. I am really quite an insecure person and I put myself down a lot, which I think most women do. But it's so lovely to wake up feeling happy with who I am, and not feel a strong desire to change myself. I wish I could wake up like that everyday. We are all beautiful without makeup. As nice as it is to do yourself up, I hope you all are able to see your inner beauty, and be proud of who you are.

And to quote Eminem...
"God gave you them shoes to fit you, so put them on and wear them. Be yourself, be proud of who you are. And even if it sounds corny, never let no one tell you, you aint beautiful".

Cami xox

Saturday 16 July 2016

My Review... The Jungle Book

So today I went to see the new jungle book film. I had been intrigued since it was first advertised, and I must say, I was rather disappointed. Baloo's character didn't resemble the original in my opinion, and the new rendition of The Bare Necessities gave no justice to the original. King Louis' personality reminded me somewhat of a mafia drug lord, and feel his musical solo did not fit in at all.

Although it started out good, with Shere Khan appearing early on and hooking me in. And Scarlett Johansson's portrait of Kaa was unique and inspiring, a brilliant twist, I think, on the original cartoon.

But all in all, my Son enjoyed the movie very much and left happy. So I have included a photo taken on our little family day out.

Cami xox

Family Day

So today I am on a family day out with my boyfriend and our Son. We're going to watch the new Jungle Book movie and have lunch at Toby Carvery. It's not often we get to go out and do stuff as a family so I really treasure days like today. I was so looking forward to it that I've been up since 5:30 getting ready! Will put a review of the film up later today. Happy weekend everyone!

Cami xox

Friday 15 July 2016

Fake Tan

So to cheer myself up after a long day, I've had a lovely relaxing bath with some Radox Muscle Therapy, and I have faked tanned. I haven't done it a long time, and I felt like I needed a pick-me-up. Apparently the weather is supposed to be really nice this weekend. So keeping my fingers crossed that it's worth it.

Cami xox

Its Been A Bad Day...

So today I received some bad news. After having to leave work in March due to my mental health, I had to apply for ESA and PIP. I was granted my ESA after 3 months with no income, but I have now received the result from my PIP application and the DWP have ruled that I do not qualify. This judgement has purely been made on the fact that I am physically able to do things. They haven't taken into account that I have a lifelong mental illness which is unpredictable and changes condition on a daily basis. Its not missing out on that extra money that I'm upset about, its the fact that my condition has been underestimated and I feel like my illness has been invalidated. I've been discharged from CMHT, but where's the following support? I'm enrolled with the Recovery College, but I still haven't received news of any courses suitable to my needs. I'm not in a fit state to work, so where's the support there?

The biggest disappointment of all this, is that I will have no choice but to return to work in September, whether I'm am capable to do so or not. This in turn means giving up studying for my Level 3 beauty qualification, which is a necessity to work in most beauty salons.

But to be able to support my son, and keep a roof over our heads and food on the table, it's something I'm going to have grin and bare with. I know working is second nature to most people, and this is a very controversial subject, but getting a job, and holding one down just isn't as easy for people like me who struggle finding the will to face each day.

Hopefully I will manage to find a job in beauty, as its what I really love and would hate to waste the past year I spent gaining my qualification as a beauty therapist. I shall be updating my CV this weekend. But for now I think tonight calls for a long hot bath and a drink. Happy thoughts everyone!

Cami xox

Feel Good Music

So I'm sat here in my beauty room listening to music, when my feel good song comes on. I'm sure we all have that one song that just lifts us up no matter what mood we're in and turns us in to some sort of undiscovered popstar!

Well here's mine, I just cant get enough of it.

Cami xox

Progress On My Beauty Room

So I have managed to clear my dressing table and store my makeup on display. It's all organised and out for me to look at everyday along with my jewellery, perfumes and various body and hair products. The set of shelves I have used are only temporary as the are old and wonky. Eventually I will be getting some ladder shelves which look so amazing and would be a perfect match for my room. I'll also be wanting to get some better makeup holders so that all my different products are on display better. But for now this will do...

Cami xox

Thursday 14 July 2016

It's A Brand New Day

So last night I was watching a film with my boyfriend, when a scene in the movie triggered some flashbacks for me. Unfortunately I broke down and it ruined the whole evening, and when I woke this morning I just didn't want to face the day. But my son needed me to get him breakfast, so I did just that, then got him dressed and took him to school. I did just throw on a pair of joggers and a sweater, but at least I got him there. All I wanted to do after was go back home to bed and sleep my day away, but I've had to teach myself how to get myself out of these states. So instead, I went home, made a strong coffee and began dolling myself up, just for me. Even if I would just be sat at home all day, I'd feel a bit happier in myself. I decided it probably wouldn't be best to sit in the flat all day, I'd only drive myself crazy, so I went and surprised my boyfriend with a visit at his work. As it turned out he had been feeling pretty crap all day so I lifted his mood. I've spent the rest of the afternoon sat in front of the mirror, admiring my new FCUK sunglasses and singing along to my favourite tunes, whilst looking for new things I want for my beauty room.

To be honest I have to deal with this kind of thing on a regular basis, and it doesn't get easier. It's scary not knowing what you'll be feeling or who you will be every morning when you wake up. But I have so much support from friends and family.

Anyway I decided to take a photo of this moment, and when I look back on it, I'll remember how I felt this morning when I woke, and how I managed to change my state of mind.

Cami xox

Wednesday 13 July 2016

My Daily Makeup Routine

So I just thought I would do a video showing the products I use on a daily basis and how I apply them. Apologies for the length of the video, I have no idea how to edit to speed up parts etc. I was really nervous about doing this video, but I hope I've done it well enough for you guys. If anyone has any tips, questions, product recommendations etc then please feel free to leave me a comment. Just use the link below to view my video.

Cami xox

Tuesday 12 July 2016

I love iKrush!

iKrush dresses... beautiful! I need a wardrobe full of them. You can find them online and through Facebook. If I am ever needing a new outfit for an event, this site is literally where I come to first. Below are some pictures of my favourite dresses. If only I had enough nights out to make use of them!

Cami xox

Be Still My Beating Heart

So I cannot stop myself from looking at vanity stations. I'm currently changing my smallest bedroom into my personal beauty room, so I keep looking for inspiration. Then I just wind myself up because it's going to take a lot of time, money and effort to get it looking as good as the ones I've seen. So I thought it only fair to share these beauty room goals with the rest of you, and we can all be green-eyed together.

Cami xox

Monday 11 July 2016

Spectrum Brushes

I cannot get over how beautiful these brushes are. They are the new craze in the world of beauty, used by stars of TOWIE, MIC and Geordie Shore. With gorgeous accessories to match, it's hard to not to blow every penny I have on these amazing collections. Check out there site by copying and pasting the link below...

Cami xox