Monday 11 July 2016

Under the weather

Don't you just hate it when things don't go to plan? Yesterday I had every intention of waking up this morning, cracking on the tunes and getting the housework done. But last night I suddenly started experiencing severe pains down my legs which kept me up most of the night. So this morning I'm really sleep deprived, getting such bad pains down my spine and in my lower back, and feeling rather dazed and nauseous. So I managed to find a fellow parent to take my Son to school, and I am lying in bed, about to dose up on Paracetamol and Codeine, with chocolate, biscuits and Doritos by my side, topped off with a lovely cup of Earl Grey Tea :)

I tend to have a ritual for when I'm poorly, and a must have for me is watching Harry Potter. I am such a huge Potterhead! I even have a shrine at home filled with figurines and memorabilia. So pretty soon I'm going to stick on The Order of the Phoenix and hopefully these painkillers will work so that I can catch up on some sleep before I pick my Son up from school. Happy Monday everyone!

Cami xox

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