Sunday 10 July 2016


It's just so typical of me that when I get my nails done, a week later I'm bored of them and want a new design. It was alright when I just had them painted with normal polish, as I could then just take it off and paint them again myself. I found it very therapeutic if I was having a bad day. But I've started having them painted with shellac which means I have to wait out the 3 weeks until they're due to be redone. Anyone else find this rather frustrating? I'm sat here looking at my creamy pink nails, with sparkle on the ring finger, and wishing I opted for a brighter colour. Now that I've stopped colouring my hair allsorts of bright colours, there's nothing about me that pops anymore, and I miss that. So anyway, I've been teasing myself by looking at nails designs on Pinterest. Now excuse me while I go cry over how I have 2 weeks left to get my nails done again!

Cami xox

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