Friday 15 July 2016

Its Been A Bad Day...

So today I received some bad news. After having to leave work in March due to my mental health, I had to apply for ESA and PIP. I was granted my ESA after 3 months with no income, but I have now received the result from my PIP application and the DWP have ruled that I do not qualify. This judgement has purely been made on the fact that I am physically able to do things. They haven't taken into account that I have a lifelong mental illness which is unpredictable and changes condition on a daily basis. Its not missing out on that extra money that I'm upset about, its the fact that my condition has been underestimated and I feel like my illness has been invalidated. I've been discharged from CMHT, but where's the following support? I'm enrolled with the Recovery College, but I still haven't received news of any courses suitable to my needs. I'm not in a fit state to work, so where's the support there?

The biggest disappointment of all this, is that I will have no choice but to return to work in September, whether I'm am capable to do so or not. This in turn means giving up studying for my Level 3 beauty qualification, which is a necessity to work in most beauty salons.

But to be able to support my son, and keep a roof over our heads and food on the table, it's something I'm going to have grin and bare with. I know working is second nature to most people, and this is a very controversial subject, but getting a job, and holding one down just isn't as easy for people like me who struggle finding the will to face each day.

Hopefully I will manage to find a job in beauty, as its what I really love and would hate to waste the past year I spent gaining my qualification as a beauty therapist. I shall be updating my CV this weekend. But for now I think tonight calls for a long hot bath and a drink. Happy thoughts everyone!

Cami xox

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