Saturday 9 July 2016

Project Beauty Room

So I am currently in the process of designing my own small beauty room at home. I live in a 2 bed flat and as one of the rooms is too small for neither myself or my Son, I have put him into the large bedroom and will have a sofabed in the living room.

It still needs to be repainted, and I'm thinking of throwing in some rose gold wallpaper. My dressing table belonged to my great nan and has been stripped of the old fashioned fabric that was draped over it. I'm thinking of painting it a pastel blue, or maybe a classic creamy white. Here's some photos of my progress so far...

Cami xox


  1. Ahhhh, you did keep the dressing table! That makes me happy :) Good luck with the blog, I hope it goes well x

  2. Ahhhh, you did keep the dressing table! That makes me happy :) Good luck with the blog, I hope it goes well x

    1. Yes I did Sarah. I couldn't just chuck it away. But the fabric had got all old and horrid and tatty so I'm just going to refurbish it :) x
