Saturday 9 July 2016

First post... exciting!

I'm a bit anxious about starting a blog. I tend to overthink and worry... "will it do well? Will anyone even read it?"

I was trying to decide a name for a blog but I didn't want something really cliché and common. I had ideas running through my head, then my alter ego made an appearance. She seems to think she is something special, someone to be reckoned with. It was her who came up with the name of my blog, and to me it made a lot of sense, because my passion is make up and beauty. I'm all about making myself look good and feel good. When I'm having one of my feel good days, my alter ego kicks in and I feel on top of the world, untameable, like royalty. In my opinion that's exactly how every woman should feel. There's nothing wrong with feeling proud and strong.

We're all warriors, we are all queens!

Cami xox


  1. Looking forward to see where your blog takes you Cami x

  2. Looking forward to see where your blog takes you Cami x
