Sunday 17 July 2016

Fresh Faced

I've made it clear that I absolutely love make-up. It makes me feel all brand new, I can be whoever I want to be. But there's truly no better feeling than waking up in a good mood and being happy with who you see in the mirror. It's not often that I have days like that, so I really appreciate them when they come along. I am really quite an insecure person and I put myself down a lot, which I think most women do. But it's so lovely to wake up feeling happy with who I am, and not feel a strong desire to change myself. I wish I could wake up like that everyday. We are all beautiful without makeup. As nice as it is to do yourself up, I hope you all are able to see your inner beauty, and be proud of who you are.

And to quote Eminem...
"God gave you them shoes to fit you, so put them on and wear them. Be yourself, be proud of who you are. And even if it sounds corny, never let no one tell you, you aint beautiful".

Cami xox

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